Less than two weeks after its market launch, Amazon has today added the new Kindle Paperwhite to its cyberweek daily offers. We are relatively sure about the number of days that have passed since we accompanied the debut of the waterproof ebook reader with our own first impression.
The new model of the Paperwhite was only presented on November 7th and is therefore still loosely within the two-week window, during which returns of goods ordered online can be processed without any problems.
An info with which the early buyers of the new Paperwhite should perhaps turn tonight still to the customer service of the on-line dealer and inquire here friendly whether another partial refund can be initiated.
For 76 instead of 119 Euro
Because Amazon sells the 8GB WLAN edition of Paperwhite with special offers today for only 76.99 Euros and is thus 43 Euros below the 119.99 Euros that were demanded during the last 12 days. The edition without special offers costs only 99 Euro instead of 139 Euro. If you are also one of the angry early buyers, try it out, the experiences of the early echo dot buyers speak for it.
We assume that the new Paperwhite will no longer be available at a lower price this year and recommend our articles to you: Waterproof and with audio books: The new Kindle Paperwhite.
Chris wrote here:
Amazon advertises the device as "the thinnest and lightest Kindle Paperwhite yet". On paper this is true, the new Paperwhite is indeed 1 to 2 millimeters smaller than its predecessor and a good 20 grams lighter. However, the reworked housing shape is particularly positive. The front is now completely flat and doesn't collect crumbs or dust in the edge of the screen frame like its predecessor. In addition, Amazon has also made the rear side flatter and thus prevents the tilting that was also familiar from the predecessor when using it on the table or the like.
Users interested in the new Paperwhite should also know that Amazon discontinued its trade-in program in August 2015. While US users can send their used Kindle devices back to Amazon for credits, local users can only sell them on Ebay or pass them on in the family.